Temporarily removed all statistics and analytics modules
Rewritten server code
Displaying replay data in a separate window
Fixed winlose detection. Game result is displayed correctly when all buildings are lost
Added progress bar when downloading replays from sites
Display of search parameters in the history of search requests
Completely redesigned search in folders and on sites
Preview maps and creeping route maps are loaded from the server
APM is now calculated relative to the player's in game time, not relative to the duration of the game
Added local and full modes of operation. In local mode functions that require an Internet connection are not available
Updating databases with maps and versions is now available only when auto-update is enabled in Settings
Background processing of replays that causes CPU usage has been removed. Now processing is carried out through the Replay Storage
Added game integration module. Now you can run the latest replays directly from the game menu
Renaming files
Added automatic renaming of LastReplay.w3g with filename template support
Fixed bug with datetime tag
Fixed bug with mass renaming
Map's and replay's Storage
Display of statistics according to data from the server is available
Added filters and detailed information of files
Extended information available for replays
Replay storage currently does not allow viewing replays from the server
Game Version Switcher
Added support for replays from Netease
Fixed the order of displaying versions in the interface
Fixed work of versions 1.29 and 1.32.0
Viewing replays is possible without authorization in the game (Does not work for 1.32.0 and 1.32.1)
Added support for balance files from campaigns and RoC for custom games
Display of all maps available on the server is available for selection when running the replay. It became necessary, because there are maps with the same checksum, but different behavior in the game
Now no need to download data for all versions tabs, just those that are necessary
Now no need to download a new .mpq with the release of a new patch
Downloading the database with maps by file. Now you don't need to download 60MB each time. Only the last modified file will be downloaded, the average size of which is 5MB
The databases with maps and versions are downloaded only when the program is started in the absence of other running instances of the program to avoid conflicts when working with the database
Added support for running RoC replays in the game
Splitters inside controls are more obvious
Added the option to stop downloading replays from sites
Support for replay format from
LAN, including with flo-bot
For custom maps, displaying information on the 0x6B action in the Debug block is available
Fixed triant icon in statistics
The folder for the map is now created only if downloading from the server is selected
Fixed registry access errors
Fixed bug when trying to switch a version without selecting the version
Update availability and language installation is now done via the registry
Removed duplicates in chat. Duplicates remain only if the filter of obscene words has worked
Added automatic Win7 compatibility mode for Win10 users, this allows the program to work with the Documents folder
In the window for identifying the map and the version of the game when starting the replay in the game, the need to select the version of the game is removed if the launch is made on the current version, also the duplication of the map is fixed
UI restyling. Uniform style for all operating systems.
Added a startup window that checks file integrity and loads all necessary resources to work.
Added scanning for all used folders with replays with saved data to the local database.
Searching files and calculating statistics is accelerated by using data from a local database.
All temporary, additional files and data are stored in Documents\LadyRisa_ReplayTool
Added tips and instructions
Added Pooh Analytics module.
Allows you to analyze the effectiveness and frequency of using certain strategies (at the moment, based on a bunch of heroes) in specific matchups with the participation of specific players on the specified maps.
Located on the Settings tab. In the background, it checks for updates, displays a description of the update, and allows you to only download changed files.
When the program is launched, the update is installed automatically; if necessary, this process can be disabled in the settings.
Scanning folders with replays and maps can lead to significant system load. The module allows you to monitor the status of scanning processes
General Tab
Compact view of Search tabs.
Added extended information on replays in the file list
Filter supports searching both by file name and by extended information, if such replays have been scanned and saved in the database
Removed the «Operations with replay» tab. The launch buttons (eg: launch in the game) have been moved to the «General Information» tab
Game Version Switcher
The module has been completely redesigned. The number of user actions to start viewing replays has been minimized.
Added options to launch Replays using ReplayKit with different viewing parameters.
To start replays in the game, specify the paths on the Game Version Switcher tab, check the boxes next to the options to associate formats with the program and double-click them. Then just double-click on the file and the program itself will change the version of the game, find the desired map (or provide a choice), start the game and return the original game files back after viewing.
Added support for command lines to start the game
Added support for Warcraft III Beta replays
Replays in .nwg format are automatically converted to .w3g format when launched in the game.
Batch Renaming
Added non-removable, but relocatable tag with the date of replays.
Added tags with the game version and short player name
Added the ability to rename one file in a folder
Support patch in parsing and version switcher
Display progress of downloading replays from websites
Fixed filters and websites links in search tabs
Fixed filter by player name in the «Profile» tab
Faster tabs loading
Button for quickly opening a folder or file at a specified path has been added to all fields with a path input
Corrected UI colors
Sliders with time in the «Heatmap» and «Statistics» tabs are synchronized
Statistics Tab:
Maps Storage Tab:
Optimized processing algorithms for found maps, the application no longer freezes.
Added activity indicators of processing maps and loading them to the server
The upload to the server button is now more obvious
Auto Rename Files Tab:
Fixed the program crash problem with moving template tags
When renaming, if a file with a new name already exists, a sequence number will be added
Added a new tag with game length
General Tab:
Fixed search tabs, at least one tab should always remain
Fixed replay filter by name
Fixed folder search, now all processed replays are displayed completely but not part of them
The functions of converting and changing the map are moved from the context menu to the new tab «Replay Operations». It is planned to completely remove the context menu due to its not obvious exists.
Fixed an issue where when trying to rename file triggered events pressing the hot keys
Added a separate button for open files from a folder in tool, different from opening a folder in Windows Explorer, the same icon is now displayed on the «Search» button
General Info Tab:
Game Version Tool Tab:
Replay Operations Tab (NEW !!!):
Convert from .nwg to .w3g: fixed
Map search and map path change: fixed
The ability to run replay in the desired version of the game. The function is closely related to the data in the «Game Version Tool» tab. Be sure to fill out all the necessary fields in the tab «Game Version Tool»
After downloading the map from the server to the folder monitored by the «Maps Storage», it is possible to immediately update the list of maps for the selected replay without restarting the program
Available to copy map information
Downloading missing map for replay is available
Tool settings and user data are saving in Documents\LadyRisa_ReplayTool
Global changes in UI functions. Visually, the changes are not very noticeable.
Support replay format of v1.32
Support new replay format of Reforged Beta
«Hide in tray» option on right top part of Main Window now
«Auto Rename Files» view was changed
Replay renaming templates can now be saved
Fixed the «include sub folders» option in «search in local folders» tabs. Now if this option is turned on, all subfolders and files in this subfolder will be displayed in result with their relative path as tooltip and in the new «File Path» column.
Local folder paths in all search tabs can now be saved
Fixed replays parsing errors
Fixed checking changes in selected folders
Updated button icons
Fixed hotkeys
Fixed control's view of folder or file selection
Maps Storage. New features: find duplicates and corrupted maps, open in Explorer, delete file, save data of indexed maps. Now the path to Maps folder in «My Documents» folder is required and cant be removed.
All maps data are downloading from server when application starts. This data is required for map searching.
Map path change. It is available from context menu by clicking on right button on selected replay, from General Info tab by clicking on button next to map path.
How does it works now: searching in server data by map checksum, if it is found and exists in Maps Storage it will be displayed as result. Under the list of found maps, you can enter the path to the map manually. Added the feature to select predefined paths.
Maps Storage. It allows to collect all maps to calculate their checksum for switching game using double-click on replay. You will no more need to search map when you want to watch any downloaded replay, map storage will find it automatically. Now it sends maps to server only. This is the first step.
Application can be hided in tray. Turn on this feature on Maps Storage tab.
Updated Game Version Switcher
Fixed running replay in game by mouse double clicking on replay file
Supports Reforged replay format
Mass file names rename module
Fixed data copying from table on General Replay Info tab
Changed layers order in Heatmap tab
Fixed drag&drop replay file on app window. Now it is allowed only to General tab
LastReplay file date modified is last write date instead of creation date
Fixed replay parsing when it is opened with drag&drop
Fixed removing settings data file
Netease profiles are loaded from proxy instead of local file
Solo Profile tab was renamed to Profile tab
Profile statistic is calculated for team games
Accounts fields are changed to table
Added new module with player bests
Added heroes info in personal statistic
Added filters for map and players
Added switcher from icons to text
Added changes checker in current folder
Added random race view
Added replays details view when select row with grouped map
Added button for parse replay from Counted Replays list
Fixed data sort in tables

Bug fixes
Supports download archive files from sites
Updated module of search replays on sites. Now it uses proxy to parse pages data. It allows to fix search without tool update.
Changed tool main page and description
!!! Wanted translators to chinese language !!!
Support patch 1.31.0
Fixed chinese text
Fixed game version switcher. Updated patches archive
Added patches archive last update date info nest to archive link
Fixed map name identification
Fixed objects items icons in statistic
Fixed game version switcher. Added EU maps support.
Added area heatmap layer (2nd part)
Added change player color feature on Heat Map and APM tab
Added more maps heatmaps data
Added setting to off profile autosearch
All settings were moved to tabs where they are applied
Restarting program when program language is changed
Support game switch to v.
Added all object icons
Added Items to statistic info
Fixed bug with tool on Chinese language
In General Info tab filtered recommended game versions list by date in file name
Added actions counts to statistic info
Added autoconvertion .nwg files in folder with or without subfolders to .w3g
Fixed sorting replays list by datetime
Added copy files (supports Ctrl+C hotkey) and folders feature from replays list context menu to clipboard. You can paste copied files and folders to any folder you want in Windows Explorer
Removed hide tab feature from top menu on General tab. No more need
«Close all search tab» feature is in Search tabs context menu instead of top menu
Fixed bug when tool is using on PC without installed game
Changed replays list view. Added sorting and filter features
Display objects in group binds (last bind and summary binds)
Fixed crush program issue in offline mode and while update
Game Version Tool. Creates backup folder with .backup extention for original file and folders Maps and war3mod.mpq. Exports file, folder Maps and patch files folder war3mod.mpq from patchs archive file. Writes to registry important parameter for using war3mod.mpq folder - AllowLocalFiles. All this actions you can do manually.
Supports Versions:
In general info added possible game versions for selected replay. Only one of displayed game version will run replay correctly.
Fixed ladder FFA replays parsing
Updated base replay information tab interface (aligned width of columns, display of name and path of selected file)
If replay file is associated with WC3 Replay Tool, then double clicking on the replay file will automatically start the WC3 Replay Tool with parsing selected file.
Drag&drop replay file from a folder to the program window creates additional tabs with the selected replays. The last created tab becomes automatically active.
Added search for replays in the folder by first hero and first skill of first hero. The search by races and teams has been fixed, now there is no binding of search parameters to the order of commands in the replay.
Fixed identification of preview for some maps
For replays longer than one hour added hours display
Fixed data parse
Fixed replays analysis in subfolders in Profile tab
Added list of counted replays in Profile tab
Fixed and data parse
Optimized data processing speed. Load information only for the selected tab.
Fixed saver identification for patch 1.30
Fixed bug with replay selection after rename
Fixed game type identification with free slots in lobby
Fixed the work of the navigation and loading buttons when displaying information from sites
Fixed encoding when displaying Asian fonts
Added multidownload from sites
APM chart size change feauture
Support 1.30.2
Delete, replace more than one file or folder
Added autosave 15 last search results and manage search results feauture
Fixed hiding of tabs
Ability to hide the tab «Statistics»
Edited display interface of general information of replay
In the general information added the summary pause time length
Fixed algorithm of win\lose calculate for solo
Added official Blizzard maps thumbnails
Fixed bug when downloading update information of the tool
Minor fixes: timing: the building upgrades are now displayed as upgrades
Fixed interface. Added a Profile section for future new modules. The list of updates and contacts is in the About section.
Added a module for calculating personal statistics. Restrictions: currently only for solo
The general game statistics is added: count of heroes, units, buildings, hotkeys. The ability to track changes by timings
Excluded book of skills, cancellation of units, buildings and upgrades.
Display of a real game race in a random case
Changed the search interface. Added search for the site of tournament hostbots. Added advance loading of search parameters. For local search, the data downloaded from sites (while only maps are used)
the dataview was fixed, the identification of the owner of the object was fixed, the speed of data processing by objects was increased
Maphack Detector: checkbox «Red Circles» can display all the buildings of the enemy, which were chosen by the player in the presence of fog of war, which is possible only if there is a maphack.
The following limitations on the accuracy of the determination apply:
Timing no longer displays completely empty cells, if there is no action for all players in row
In Timing, new actions are added: leaving game, canceling the revival of the hero, canceling specific units and buildings, left clicking on items, control sharing
Corrected the display of APM charts
Added the date and version of replay In the file name (searching on site)
The browse button shows Open Folder Dialog instead of Open File Dialog
Bold font of names of the players in the chat
The list of founded replays in search mode is not reset anymore, after the operation with the replay file (rename, delete)
When you open a file in Explorer, the selected file is highlighted automatically
Fixed a problem with renaming when a file or folder is deleted, when the name remains same
Fixed problem with creating and renaming folders
Added the reasons of leaving game to the general information about the players
Added settings to top menu for displaying tabs to minimize parse time
Change Game Version Tool: Added version of Netease 1.29.0
Converter .nwg ⇒ .w3g: Due to the lack of difference in the parameters of the replication between 1.29.0 and 1.29.2 during the conversion it is necessary to select the desired version manually. Fixed paths to maps. (beta)
(game folder)\Maps\WC3RTMAPS\Netease\1.27.0
(game folder)\Maps\WC3RTMAPS\Netease\1.28.0
(game folder)\Warcraft III\Maps\WC3RTMAPS\Netease\1.29.0
(game folder)\Warcraft III\Maps\WC3RTMAPS\Netease\1.29.2
Administrator rights are only required if there is no access to folders and game files
Search on sites: separate buttons have been added to fix errors with the built-in browser:
open the page of the replay in a regular browser
download a file using a regular browser
use a full search through a regular browser
APM: removed checkboxes for unused slots
Search by part of player name
Timing: checkbox for display observers data, fixed app crash if empty timing in matchup with AI
Fixed empting search results after file download
!!! Change Game Version Tool.!!! Allows change game version for watching unsupported replays. Support Netease replays only
Click on button Change Game Version Tool on top menu for open tool window with game folder and Netease maps archive pathes. Original game files are backed up, after watching replay files can be restored
Converter .nwg ⇒ .w3g: rebuild replay file with map path fix. All Netease maps shoud be in specific folders (auto created using Change Game Version Tool):
(game folder)\Maps\WC3RTMAPS\Netease\1.27.0
(game folder)\Maps\WC3RTMAPS\Netease\1.28.0
(game folder)\Maps\WC3RTMAPS\Netease\1.29.2
Timing: copy info from table, display data by players only, save columns order (you can change columns order), hide data of players, store scroll position
APM chart: chart selection, display info about selected point on chart, timeline change
Store window size and vertical split line position
Player colors fix
Work with files and folders (move to trash, rename, drag&drop, create folder, open in file explorer). Available in context menu and by hotkeys.
Watch folder changes
Display last selected folder on startup
Show selected replay info after open file using «Browse…» button
Bug fix
Display information of founded replays
Download replays from site (General Tab)
Convert .nwg to .w3g (right click on .nwg file in application) (beta)
Search replays by parameters including chat messages
Save last selected folder
Search in different folders with different parameters at the same time
Display game results
Display chat messages supporting different languages
Can copy any data from replay infromation