General Info
Winner display (incorrect for some FFA)
Display replay owner
Display of all starting and basic parameters of players
Automatic detection of the actual race when choosing a random
Displays the number of game actions and the average APM
Observers display
Displays check sum and path of map
Map preview for replays with official maps
Automatic search for player profiles on different servers
The servers list is available by clicking on the button next to the player's name.
Allows automatically check the profile of players on selected game servers after selection of replay
You can manually enable the search for a specific player by clicking on the search button
The search on Netease is carried out on a locally loaded list, so the result for this server is displayed immediately
This setting is disabled by default in order not to load the operating system. You can enable the function in the settings
· Последние изменения: 2019/07/07 01:46 — ladyrisa